Loved it, Every minute of it, You just get better every time i see one of your flashes it's great and its a plaesure to help you when I can with your site. :)
Loved it, Every minute of it, You just get better every time i see one of your flashes it's great and its a plaesure to help you when I can with your site. :)
Heheh even though it was ONLY a minute, thank you. I will let you know this is my best animation and my hardest worked on project because the original "To Kill A Clock" was my favorite animation.
Shit ever... yeah ive seen u around the bbs nice shit man gj VOTE 5!
You so half assed that...You could've at least added sound.
I know I I was just a really fast thing to get me re-used to flash..
Gut. I liked it alot I see you must of put alot of work into it.
Bound to my relegion as a muslim I must condemn this animation try doing it on 1st person as u as muhammed just try not to show his face and to the person who said some no name prophet how dare u i mean what gives u the right to make fun of our relegion when we have always respected and upheld for ur relegion we never make fun of u or do anything bad to u guys yet u still seem to hate us.U know i never say this to anyone but burn in hell.
but I don't really like the idea of the 2 relegions fighting now i can't say anything that will stop u from making this movie so i hope u add an ending where both are equally matched or they both lose for fighting against each other I don't think there is any other way witout people getting offended now i really hope u guys get this done because this is ur job I am a strong muslim beliver and I have never condemned the christian relegion and you people who are like Omfg!!11 Muhamed(PBUH) is teh suxxor!11 omfdgjhsdfsd seriously u need to get some issues straightened out.
Very beatiful
I like the use of like the old 50's movies black and white it made me feel cool plus im from michigan hooray talk to me on aim if u care meh anyway I love the movie well done.
michigan is a state!
i am the living in a the michigan!
i gots no aim, sorry!
you are the thanked!
very insightful...
Heh I really loved this piece Dan can I call ya Dan? Anyway I can really see your flash skills developing now straying a bit off from the humorous, and infamous SYNJ you have become someone who is not just our laugh jockey but someone with insight.
Well you have to admit Dan that wasn't you hardest effort into your flashes I just wish I could learn your style of artistry I love it. Great to see your movie and as always keep it up Mate.
BTW: to many of you who think this represents BUSH/TERRORISTS I don't belive this is what Dan was trying to convey I think he was trying to convey that people who are very ignorant hate other because they are different just like *ahem* Hitler... And again great flash and great to see you also have a serious side.
fifened :) great movie bro great to see that your hard at work.
lol man i love that movie that was great i can't reall even describe it its great well keep making more and thank god for people like u to make my day.
Shitty kid turned mature business owner. Life sucks.
Age 35, Male
Small business owner
Sterling Heights, MI
Joined on 8/25/03