especially liked TommyLM's piece was very touching *tear* heh anywayz very awesome make more like that tommy great stuff.
especially liked TommyLM's piece was very touching *tear* heh anywayz very awesome make more like that tommy great stuff.
You really dissapointed me i thought heh pretty good im going to vote a 5 but no dude u have great potential i dont know why you did that im very dissapointed in you.
good animation but i highly doubt that jesus could be killed by a car and angels second of all are not human they are made of fire and are spirits they cant be killed. you could've made them priests or somethin.
hey! there's a cartoon on my tv!! there's a talking dog!! what the fuck is going on?? dogs dont talk!
i love it i especially like how ur from michigan and so am i. :).
sheer brilliance
what else is there to say u have made stick movies come alive again which is very hard to do since all this stick bashing going around fifened from me.
O YA GO MICHIGAN UH HUH.I knew someone would come out of hiding and produce an animation michigan can be proud of.
i liked it...
well it was cool but i just wanna know how much clay is worth pricewise cuz i wanna get into it but im more of a sprite man myself.
Crayola clay (the clay i use) costs $5.00 and it has 4 different colors (red, blue, green, and yellow). But i suggest you buy 3 or 4 boxes to have enough to make several same color charactors of a good size =)
aww im from bosnia too why u make him the bad guy oh well nice animation good story make part 2.
VERY NICE GUYS. haha livecorpse ur imagination cracks me up lol it was teh ownzer. :) go hatterclock and sqeezy and you too castillo.
Thanks alot for the review flashn00b we all appreciate it and were all glad you enjoyed our flash :)
Shitty kid turned mature business owner. Life sucks.
Age 35, Male
Small business owner
Sterling Heights, MI
Joined on 8/25/03